Would you have the courage to
go up against the Gestapo & Nazi war machine 
to find a missing lover?
This novel, based on a true story, takes you back to World War II and the heroism of one courageous woman...
An unsuspecting American student finds herself in the center of Hitler’s war in Munich, Germany. It was the onset of World War II, and she was far from her home and parents in Philadelphia.

Witness to her professor’s arrest by the Gestapo was in itself shocking; however, it became personally devastating as only a severed first love can be. The story follows Frieda’s organized work through a leafleting effort meant to undermine the Nazi war machine. It follows her work with the OSS in Washington, D.C., as well as in the war-stricken European theatre where she searches for clues about her professor’s whereabouts.

Did he survive Concentration Camp Dachau? Was he dead or alive?

The authors have carefully researched the history of the time in preparation for writing this story. The story was inspired by true relationships.

Dirk and Frieda traveled north to Cologne. The city was
still a home for actors, writers, artists, and musicians. Frieda had prearranged the trip to coincide with a violin concert, a special treat for Dirk. Franz Keesler was on tour in Europe from America. Frieda was excited to hear an American musician in concert. Keesler had come from New York City, near her home in Philadelphia where her parents still lived. Keesler had studied and taught violin in Berlin earlier in his life. He was
returning to the cities in Europe where people overwhelmingly admired classical music.

Americans tend to forget the Roman influence in Europe. Frieda found splendid examples of Roman and medieval architecture and with her active imagination, she envisioned Romans traveling the Rhine. She would long remember walking in the shadow of the Cologne Cathedral. Inside, the architectural and artistic details embellished with gold and precious jewels were
spellbinding. The cathedral is the center of religious life of German Catholics and is the most important seat of an archbishop in Germany.

The history of the Cathedral of Cologne began during early Christianity. For centuries the building remained unfinished; it was not successfully completed for more than 632 years. The cathedral remains a beacon for all to see from afar. The spire was high and visible on the skyline, saving the cathedral from destruction. It was considered to be important for orienteering during the bombing raids that would soon come. The magnificent landmark would not be destroyed when it was vital for both the allies and the Germans.

Frieda was excited about a Rhine River cruise. They boarded in Cologne for the one-day round-trip cruise. Rüdesheim was the furthest point south from which they then turned and headed back to Cologne. It was a slow and relaxing day. The boat docked at several communities along the Rhine. Tourists went ashore, stretching their legs and taking a look at the vendors’ merchandise. They had lunch in a dining room, and thrilled with panoramic views of the Rhine.

The trip to Cologne was the one and only vacation that Dirk and Frieda would have together. The dear, sweet memories became precious nostalgia. The vineyards along the Rhine, the castles that were part of the landscape, and the green space along the banks were a beautiful, timeless view. Frieda thought she could never find anyone in her lifetime that she would rather be with. She wanted Dirk to be her one and only lifetime companion.
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Marlene Joyce and Michael Charles

Marlene Joyce’s career in corporate communications prefaces writing a book that falls outside the world of business into the realm of good story telling. This historical novel of the World War II era is inspired by true relationships. 

Michael Charles is co-author of the book. A lifelong interest in history, particularly the World War II era, has led Michael Charles to contribute a carefully researched setting for the story that unfolds in Germany. His knowledge of geography and movement of military forces in the European theatre provide vital aspects of the story.

The Suffering of Two Lovers
 A Historical Novel of World War II, this is a very interesting love story of what took place in Europe during the 2nd World War. This is an historical novel of two romantic lovers caught in Hitler's take-over Germany; the beginning of horror in their freedom. Hitler declared himself Chancellor and formed a de facto legal dictatorship. All of the citizens became a suspect in their activities, and were arrested for speaking against Hitler's rule.

Frieda, a young American studying in Germany at the time fell in love with professor Dirk who taught philosophy in Munich, and they became lovers. They were unaware of the silent `Devil's Hell' now controlling the government.

Dirk's lecture became satire to the indifference of the Nazi ideals, and he was shortly arrested by the German intelligent. The couple's courtship and romance was swiftly cut short. Trying to find what happened to Dirk as a prisoner become adventurous and interesting. It was hard to imagine the suffering of the two lovers and their questionable final ending.
~Terri Ragsdale

A Good Read!
Meet Adrian who brings us the story of Frieda de Vries, student, resistance worker, pamphlet writer, OSS translator as she navigates World War II, while trying to find a former lover who was taken to Dachau concentration camp. Her interaction with spies, military men, ambassadors and family make this a good read.

A Journey into the World of Hatred and Fear 
This is the story of broken love and shattered ideals played out against the backdrop of a world turned up side down by the dark forces of hatred and fear. Marlene Joyce and Michael Charles take us on a journey into that world, Frieda’s world, where we meet a young American studying and falling in love at just the wrong time in just the wrong place. Frieda’s unyielding search for her lover intersects with life-bracing experiences through which she discovers the eternal power of memory and love. This is a compelling story told with elegance and grace, the very qualities young Frieda brought into her unimagined and unexpected life.
~Anonymous, Wisconsin

A Story of Hitler's Vicious Hounds
Everyone is rightly interested in the infamies of the Third Reich. This novelette tells of an American woman studying in Germany who saw the man she loved, a German professor, seized and driven away by Hitler’s vicious hounds into the oblivion of the Reich’s (or Nazi’s) concentration camp. Her story centers on her relentless efforts to find him both during and after the war. 
~David G. Davis, Ph.D., Pastor and English Professor

Unusal and Very Interesting
I found the story of Frieda and Dirk unusual and very interesting in its historical approach. I learned a lot about what happened during World War II – how people were able to help many ways both in America and Germany. The romance between Frieda and Dirk was very frustrating, but you keep hoping up to the end that they will find each other. In today’s world, little is said anymore about the historical happenings of significance in our past and this book is unique in that respect.  

This is a very interesting story of happenings in Germany from the perspective of a young, American student who went to Germany to pursue her Ph.D. The book is an easy read with short chapters and vignettes. Enjoy!
~Bill from Wisconsin

Fast Paced!
The authors present a vivid account of the political climate in Germany during the Nazi regime prior to and during World War II. The linguistic skills of the main character are utilized to a great extent both during the prelude to the war and also throughout it. The story is fast paced and held my attention as I completed reading the novel in almost one sitting.

The story is quite appealing to those of us who grew up during the time frame covered in this book. The search for information concerning the location and welfare of the main character's lover is extensive and covers many of the chapters.

The wartime activities of the main character also give us a brief insight into the roles that many women partook of during the war years.

Unfortunately there is no real closure in our heroine's search for her lover although it is a most realisic outcome considering the geographic and time devides she must overcome.
~Gerald D. Pruder

Great story!
The story is based on a true relationship when an unsuspecting American student finds herself drawn into intrigue in Hitler's new Germany. It was the onset of World War II and the Holocaust.